APIModel configuration

Model configuration

This is the documentation for the latest version of Next Admin. If you are using an older version (<5.0.0), please refer to the documentation

To configure your models, you can use the model property of the NextAdmin options parameter.

This property allows you to configure everything about how your models, their fields, their relations are displayed and edited.

Example for a schema with a User, Post and Category model:

import { NextAdminOptions } from "@premieroctet/next-admin";
export const options: NextAdminOptions = {
  /* Your other options here */
  model: {
    User: {
      toString: (user) => `${user.name} (${user.email})`,
      title: "Users",
      icon: "UsersIcon",
      list: {
        display: ["id", "name", "email", "posts", "role", "birthDate"],
        search: ["name", "email"],
        filters: [
            name: "is Admin",
            active: false,
            value: {
              role: {
                equals: "ADMIN",
      edit: {
        display: [
    Post: {
      toString: (post) => `${post.title}`,
    Category: {
      title: "Categories",
      icon: "InboxStackIcon",
      toString: (category) => `${category.name}`,
      list: {
        display: ["name", "posts"],
      edit: {
        display: ["name", "posts"],

It takes as key a model name of your schema as value an object to configure it.

By default, if no models are defined, they will all be displayed in the admin. If you want more control, you have to define each model individually as empty objects or with the following properties:

NameDescriptionDefault Value
toStringa function that is used to display your record in related listid field
aliasesan object containing the aliases of the model fields as keys, and the field name-
titlea string used to display the model name in the sidebar and in the section titleModel name
listan object containing the list options (see list property)-
editan object containing the edit options (see edit property)-
actions an array of actions (see actions property)-
iconthe outline HeroIcon name displayed in the sidebar and pages title-
permissionsan array to specify restricted permissions on model[`create`, `edit`, `delete`]

You can customize the following for each model:

list property

This property determines how your data is displayed in the list View

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
searchArrayan array of searchable fields. You can search on nested fields by concatenating them with a dot, for example author.nameAll scalar fields are searchable by default
displayArrayan array of fields that are displayed in the listAll scalar fields are displayed by default
fieldsObjectan object containing the model fields as keys, and customization values (see fields property)-
copyArrayan array of fields that are copyable into the clipboardundefined - no field is copyable by default
defaultSortObjectan optional object to determine the default sort to apply on the list-
defaultSort.fieldStringthe model's field name to which the sort is applied. It is mandatory-
defaultSort.directionStringthe sort direction to apply. It is optional-
filtersArray define a set of Prisma filters that user can choose in list (see filters)-
exportsObjectan object or array of export - containing export url (see exports)-

The search property is only available for scalar fields.

list.fields property

The fields property is an object that can have the following properties:

formatterFunctiona function that takes the field value as a parameter, and returns a JSX node. It also accepts a second argument which is the NextAdmin context
sortByStringavailable only on many-to-one models. The name of a field in the related model to apply the sort to. Defaults to the id field of the related model
list.filters property

The filters property allow you to define a set of Prisma filters that user can apply on list page. It’s an array of the type below:

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
nameStringa unique name for the filter-
activeBooleana boolean to set the filter active by defaultfalse
valueStringa where clause Prisma filter of the related model (e.g. Prisma operators)-
groupStringan id that will be used to give filters with the same group name a radio like behavior-

It can also be an async function that returns the above type so that you can have a dynamic list of filters.

list.exports property

The exports property is available in the list property. It’s an object or an array of objects that can have the following properties:

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
formatStringa string defining the format of the export. It's used to label the export buttonundefined
urlStringa string defining the URL of the export actionundefined

The exports property does not account for active filters. If you want to export filtered data, you need to add the filters to the URL or in your export action.

edit property

This property determines how your data is displayed in the edit view

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
displayArray an array of fields that are displayed in the form. It can also be an object that will be displayed in the form of a notice (see notice)all scalar fields are displayed
stylesObjectan object containing the styles of the form (see styles) -
fieldsObjectan object containing the model fields as keys, and customization values (see fields property)-
submissionErrorMessageStringa message displayed if an error occurs during the form submission'Submission error'

edit.styles property

The styles property is available in the edit property.


If your options are defined in a separate file, make sure to add the path to the content property of the tailwind.config.js file (see TailwindCSS configuration).

_formStringa string defining the classname of the form
...Stringall fields of the model, wwith the field name as the key and the classname as the value

Here is an example of using styles property:

styles: {
  _form: "form-classname",
  ... // all fields

edit.fields property

This property can be defined for each field of the corresponding model. When you define a field, use the field’s name as the key and the following object as the value:

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
validateFunctiona function that takes the field value as a parameter, and returns a boolean-
formatStringa string defining an OpenAPI field format, overriding the one set in the generator. An extra file format can be used to be able to have a file input-
inputReact Elementa React Element that should receive CustomInputProps. For App Router, this element must be a client component-
handler.getFunctiona function that takes the field value as a parameter and returns a transformed value displayed in the form-
handler.uploadFunctionan async function that is used only for formats file and data-url. It takes a Buffer object and an information object containing name and type properties as parameters and must return a string. It has context as a parameter, which holds record information such as the resource ID, which does not exist during record creation. It can be useful to upload a file to a remote provider-
handler.uploadErrorMessageStringan optional string displayed in the input field as an error message in case of a failure during the upload handler-
handler.deleteFileFunctionan async function that is used to remove a file from a remote provider. Takes the file URI as an argument.-
optionFormatterFunctiononly for relation fields, a function that takes the field values as a parameter and returns a string. Useful to display your record in related list-
tooltipStringA tooltip content to display for the field -
helperTextStringa helper text that is displayed underneath the input-
disabledBooleana boolean to indicate that the field is read only-
displayString only for relation fields, indicate which display format to use between list, table or selectselect
requiredBooleana true value to force a field to be required in the form, note that if the field is required by the Prisma schema, you cannot set required to false-
relationOptionFormatterFunctionsame as optionFormatter, but used to format data that comes from an explicit many-to-many relationship-
orderFieldStringthe field to use for relationship sorting. This allows to drag and drop the related records in the list display-
relationshipSearchFieldStringa field name of the explicit many-to-many relation table to apply the search on. See handling explicit many-to-many-
visibleFunctiona function that takes the resource value as a parameter, and returns a boolean that shows or hides the field in the edit form-

edit.hooks property

The hooks property allows you to intercept the values of a form, before and after its insertion in the database. It is an object that can have the following properties:

beforeDbFunctiona function that takes the form values, the insertion mode (create or edit) and the request object as parameters. It must return a promise with the form values. You can throw a [HookError]() in case of an error, which will cause an early return in the handler with the appropriate response status and error message.
afterDbFunctiona function that takes the insertion response, the insertion mode (create or edit) and the request as parameters. It returns the same data as the insertion response.

actions property

The actions property is an array of objects that allows you to define a set of actions that can be executed on one or more records of the resource. On the list view, there is a default action for deletion. The object can have the following properties:

titleStringaction title that will be shown in the action dropdown
idStringmandatory, action's unique identifier
typeStringaction type for client side actions, possible value is 'dialog' | 'server'. By default action with no type is executed on the server
componentReactElementa React component that will be displayed in a dialog when the action is triggered. Its mandatory if the action type `dialog` is specified. See the ClientActionDialogContentProps for the props passed to the component.
classNamestringclass name applied to the dialog displayed when the action type is set to 'dialog'.
actionFunctionan async function that will be triggered when selecting the action in the dropdown. Its mandatory if the action type is not specified. Can return a message object to display a message after the action is done or throw an error to display a message
canExecuteFunctiona function that takes a record as a parameter and returns a boolean. It is used to determine if the action can be executed on the record
successMessageStringa message that will be displayed when the action is successful if action doesn't return a message object
errorMessageStringa message that will be displayed when the action fails if action doesn't return a message object or throw an error with a message
depthNumbera number that defines the depth of the relations to select in the resource. Use this with caution, a number too high can potentially cause slower queries. Defaults to 2.

middlewares property

The middlewares property is an object of functions executed either before a record’s update or deletion, where you can control if the deletion and update should happen or not. It can have the following properties:

editFunctiona function that is called before the form data is sent to the database. It takes the submitted form data as its first argument, and the current value in the database as its second argument. If false is returned, the update will not happen.
deleteFunctiona function that is called before the record is deleted. It takes the record to delete as its only argument. If false is returned, the deletion will not happen.

NextAdmin Context

The NextAdmin context is an object containing the following properties:

localeStringThe locale used by the calling page. (refers to the accept-language header)
rowObjectThe current row of the list view


The edit page’s form can display notice alerts. To do so, you can pass objects in the display array of the edit property of a model. This can be useful to display alerts or information to the user when editing a record. This object takes the following properties :

titleStringThe title of the notice. This is mandatory
idStringA unique identifier for the notice that can be used to style it with the styles property. This is mandatory
descriptionStringThe description of the notice. This is optional

Here is a quick example of usage.

Considering you have a model User with the following configuration:

export const options: NextAdminOptions = {
  basePath: "/admin",
  title: "⚡️ My Admin",
  model: {
    User: {
        ...some configuration
      edit: {
        display: [
            title: "Email is mandatory",
            id: "email-notice",
            description: "You must add an email from now on",
          } as const,
        /** ... some configuration */

In this example, the email-notice notice will be displayed in the form before the email field. Notice example


Represents the props that are passed to the custom input component.

nameStringthe field name
valueanythe field value
onChangeFunction a function taking a ChangeEvent as a parameter
readonlyBooleanboolean indicating if the field is editable or not
rawErrorsArrayarray of strings containing the field errors
disabledBooleanboolean indicating if the field is disabled


The HookError is an error that can be thrown in the beforeDb hook of the edit property. It takes the following arguments in its constructor:

statusNumberthe HTTP status code
dataObjectan error object that must contain at least an error property which is a string


Represents the props that are passed to the custom dialog component.

resourceStringthe current Prisma model name
resourceIdString | Numberthe selected record id
dataRecord<string, ListDataFieldValue>A record of row's properties with ListDataFieldValue as value
onCloseFunctiona function to close the dialog, it can receive a message object to display a message after the dialog is closed


Represents a formatted value used by Next-Admin. It will have different shapes depending of the data type.

It will always have the following :

__nextadmin_formattedReactNodeA React Node used to have a custom rendering of the field, if needed


type`scalar`The type of data. It is always `scalar`
valueString | Number | booleanthe value coming from the database


type`count`The type of data. It is always `count`
valueNumberthe value coming from the database
type`link`The type of data. It is always `link`
valueobjectthe link data displayed in the link CTA
value.labelStringthe link CTA label
value.urlStringthe link CTA href


type`date`The type of data. It is always `date`
valueDatethe value coming from the database